Through the sunshine, she lives on.
Sharing how a song about sunshine is sweetly sung by Blair’s youngest sibling, born after her.

PSA before giving birth again
Life will be beautiful with our new baby in our arms, but not everything will tied up neatly with a bow.

Medical experiences in my pregnancy after stillbirth
Sharing the good and the not-so-good experiences with medical providers in terms of offering emotional support and dignity to mothers pregnant after stillbirth.

One year of loving Blair from afar
"A mother always carries her children. Sometimes she carries their life. Sometimes she carries their death. But she will always carry them, no matter where they are." - Rachel Lewis

Talking about death to twin toddlers, a year later
Sharing a year of navigating sibling grief with twin toddlers

You’re invited to celebrate Blair Elise
We hope you can join us in enjoying a sweet treat in honor of Blair’s first birthday.

New logo reveal: “My four daughters”
As we are nearing our fourth daughter’s arrival, I’ve also re-designed this website’s logo to reflect our growing family.

Making it through today
“Today” is the gestational date of my current pregnancy when Blair died in my belly last year at 32 weeks and 4 days.

Pregnant after stillbirth: Second trimester thoughts
“Sometimes grief becomes delayed while we are busy surviving.” - Grief Uncovered

Pregnant after stillbirth: First Trimester Thoughts
A whole host of complicated feelings with pride and fear at the top of the list.

Six months of grieving
Happy 1/2 birthday in heaven, my sweet daughter. I will always wish you were here.

Sharing our daughter’s autopsy results after stillbirth
Blair’s autopsy gave us some answers but lots more ambiguity.

Remembering skin-to-skin time with our stillborn daughter
I still had the opportunity to mother Blair.

Light a candle with me this October 15th
Light a candle with me and other families across the world as we remember Blair and all babies who have died as part of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month.

My complicated relationship with our daughter’s grave
How could I possibly be absent as their mother as my living children navigate their own complicated realities of having a dead sibling?

To my pregnant friends and those with new babies
I hope our bonds of being pregnant together never break. Please keep me in your circles.