New logo reveal: “My four daughters”

Something I’ve unexpectedly had a lot of fun doing this year has been tinkering around with graphic design via Canva. (I’ve primarily been doing event promotion/marketing designs for the non-profit that I help to lead, Columbia Area Mothers of Multiples.)

As we are nearing our fourth daughter’s arrival, I’ve also re-designed this website’s logo to reflect our growing family. Here’s a side-by-side look!

With this new logo, I also recognize that the content of this website is likely going to change. Stillbirth awareness and grieving Blair will continue to weave through my writings. however, I am drawn to also reflect on my motherhood experiences more broadly. Daily, I walk the line of being present with my living children while also feeling the absence of my stillborn daughter deeply. More so, I am feeling the pull to expand more broadly to share my experiences in responding to the grief of my young, living children who continue to ask questions about their sibling that died. As our fourth daughter grows older, I expect that mothering a child that came after stillbirth will have an added challenge and combination of emotions for both mother and child. I hope you will continue to come along for the ride as we move forward with our expanding family.


You’re invited to celebrate Blair Elise


Making it through today